

Since Absorption is coming out soon in paperback, I'll be updating the website's index page soon. While I'm at it, any special requests? Anything you'd particularly like to see on the website? Preferably not rude...


Blogger Chris Mays said...

John, I would love to see a tab on your site that talks more about the mental and physical fitness regimes and regimens you and your characters use to such great effect. Most fun for me would be to read about how Tom Corcoran's workout differs from Josh Cumberland's, or Donal Riordan's for that matter, as a reflection of how your thoughts have changed over the years. Maybe just posting the charming appendices you've provided would suffice.

May 9, 2011 at 6:13 PM  
Blogger John Meaney said...

Hey, Chris... That does sound like fun. And I've not really thought about Tom very much during the last few years, though that might, just might change...

Anyway, I really like that idea. Thank you!

May 9, 2011 at 10:47 PM  
Blogger John Meaney said...

...Ah, and I've just noticed that you mention mental as well physical regimes. Hmm. This is something that could expand. I'll probably start with the physical stuff, put that up on the page, and then add to it. Excellent stuff!

May 9, 2011 at 10:49 PM  
Blogger Oxysmart said...

John, I heard you at Illustrious this year and was serious tuned in to the insight you gave about FTL travel, the physical universe and the science based ground work to some of your ideas. Despite some of your fellow panelists looking bemused I thought it captured some interesting stuff. Care to throw some more enlightenment our way?

May 12, 2011 at 1:54 PM  
Blogger John Meaney said...

Hi, Oxysmart - Thank you very much, and I'm glad your comment resurfaced after the blogger hiccup...

I'll definitely whip up something. At Illustrious I was trying not to take over the panel, either by taking too much or leaping out from behind the table to illustrate what I was talking about.

At my talk to the Birmingham SF Group 8 days ago, I explained the whole arrow-of-time thing with visual aids: wooden hoops of varying diameters (held up by the cheerfully obliging front row) to represent snapshots of the universe at different times. Much fun, plus I think everyone understood it, too.

I'm sure I can do something a separate post or part of a new Weird Science page, or both. Thanks again!

May 21, 2011 at 2:13 PM  
Blogger John Meaney said...

PS. Thanks for your diplomacy - I think my fellow panellists' heads fell right off...

May 21, 2011 at 2:15 PM  

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