

Novacon is almost here! I'm heading off tomorrow. My key contributions to the con as guest of honour, besides chatting to absolutely everybody, will be a GoH speech which I'm calling Stuff (as in, I will talk about Stuff, guaranteed), and a Paul McKenna-style workshop-with-a-difference called I Can Make You Write. (It'll just be for a short, entrancing spell...)

Haven't blogged recently, so I haven't mentioned how much fun I had at Bristolcon. Ta loads to Joanne, MEG and Cheryl, and the various friends I met up with, including Steve W, Justina Robson, Martin Sketchley, Michaela, Fluffy Mark, Mike, Jonathan W and Trish Sullivan, who was going to beat me up in the bar, but then took pity.

Next year, I'm Bristolcon's GoH, along with Gareth Powell. But for now, it's Novacon time! (Every attendee gets a chapbook containing a 13000-word novelette called Study In Shadow, written by me.) See you there...


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