

The first two chapters of EDGE are available at the Angry Robot website. Scroll down to the entry for Jan 18, and you'll find the downloadable pdf. Enjoy!!!

I'll be making a few appearances next month, at SFX Weekender and a couple of bookstores. Details soon. Come along and say hi!


Blogger Dee Lutz said...

Can't wait till Edge comes out in the US! Just out of curiosity, ever do a book signing out this way?

January 22, 2010 at 5:17 AM  
Blogger John Meaney said...

Until now, I've not done any US signings, except at Worldcons in the hucksters' hall. Must see if I can do something about that...

I've no US trips planned at the moment, but my brother's lived there for many years, which is one of the reasons I try to get over at least once a year. (Many of my previous trips were also to carry out corporate IT training, which meant someone else picked up the transatlantic fare. Very handy!)

I'll make sure any US visits are highlighted on the website. Also, as a separate blog post, I'll expand on something I mentioned in the interview I did for, which is that Edge will have very different resonances with people on different sides of the Atlantic. Thanks for making me think about that!

January 23, 2010 at 12:00 AM  
Blogger Dee Lutz said...

Thank you, I'll have to keep my eye out on your website for any US visits!

January 23, 2010 at 4:26 PM  
Anonymous Scott Masterton said...

John -

I've enjoyed all of your other books, and I too am looking forward reading your blackthorne stuff. Loved the sample.

Just an FYI for D. can always order the book from overseas. Cost is not too different.
Thanks again.

January 26, 2010 at 10:29 PM  
Blogger John Meaney said...

Thanks, Scott!

One of the reasons that Edge will (presumably) be read differently in different countries is the variation in attitude toward self defence, weapons ownership and the like. Firearm ownership is illegal in the UK (typically earning miscreants 5 to 8 years in jail), carrying a weapon of any kind (concealed or not) on the street is illegal, but knife crime is soaring regardless.

And complex systems, including countries, can change overnight...

If Gollancz don't put up a free sample of Absorption, then I'll do it here on the website. Promise!

Glad you're looking forward to Edge. Ta lots!

January 27, 2010 at 1:34 PM  
Blogger Dee Lutz said...

Thanks for the advice Scott, I’ve never bought anything from overseas but after reading the sample of Edge I'm hooked already.

John, I was really curious about how your book would be taken in different countries. Knife crime somehow sounds scarier than use of firearms, but maybe that’s just because I’m in the US and am more used to hearing of the latter.

By the way, congrats on all the books you’ve got coming out in 2010! You must’ve been keeping very busy!

January 28, 2010 at 12:54 AM  
Blogger John Meaney said...

Yes, it's all a bit more visceral, isn't it? Up close and slippery with blood. The thought of it makes *me* wince, even after writing about it. (And I'm 75% of the way into writing the sequel, Point, so I'm still thinking about it lots. Maybe too much!)

Brits mostly think of firearms as a perversion... and it *is* very shocking for a Brit to see a gunshop (especially in the sports section of a supermarket -- my first trip to the States was when my brother lived in Richmond, VA, ages ago). As I said in the BthroughZ interview, it's about as shocking as seeing heroin or paedo porn on sale. (I'm not equating it morally, but in shock value.)

At a convention in Washington, a very gentle-looking bookseller amazed me with the lightning speed of his knife-draw technique -- and I hadn't even noticed the weapon. He's a good guy and a law-abiding citizen, so what he did would have been illegal in the UK. Still, among the inner city schoolkids in particular, knife carrying is now endemic.

There are peaceful cultures like Switzerland and Singapore where every home has a gun, supplied when doing national service, and there are aggressive cultures like Britain's where the people are essentially unarmed... That kind of paradox is very interesting.

On a lighter note, thanks for noticing that I've been busily working hard! Essentially I dropped back non-writing work to a few days every other month, during the past year, and really went for it in terms of writing. It's a gamble...

According to early readers (incl. editors) the quality has gone up, as well as the speed. I'm hoping they're right!

January 30, 2010 at 8:13 PM  

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